2017년 4월 5일 수요일

medical abbreviations

PRN : 필요시마다
qd  : 하루에 한 번
bid : 하루에 2번
tid : 하루에 3번
qud : 하루에 4번
q4h : 4시간마다
qod : 이틀마다
q 1weeks : 일주일마다
# : divide (나눠서)
qhs : 자기 전, 밤에

List of medical abbreviations

Abbrev.MeaningLatin origin
a.c.before mealsante cibum
a.d., ad, ADright earauris dextra
a.m., am, AMmorningante meridiem
a.s., as, ASleft earauris sinistra
a.u., au, AUboth ears together or each earaures unitas or auris uterque
b.d.s, bds, BDS2 times a daybis die sumendum
b.i.d., bid, bdtwice a day / twice daily / 2 times dailybis in die
gtt., gttdrop(s)gutta(e)
h., hhourhora
h.s., hsat bedtime or half strengthhora somni
iitwo tabletsduos doses
iiithree tabletstrēs doses
n.p.o., npo, NPOnothing by mouth / not by oral administrationnil per os
o.d., od, ODonce a day
right eye
omne in die
oculus dexter
o.s., os, OSleft eyeoculus sinister
o.u., ou, OUboth eyesoculus uterque
p.c.after foodpost cibum
p.m., pm, PMafternoon or eveningpost meridiem
p.o., po, POorally / by mouth / oral administrationper os / nonstandard form per orem
p.r., pr, PRrectallyper rectum
p.r.n., prn, PRNas needed, (also Pertactin - a key antigen of ac.Pertussis vaccine)pro re nata
q.1.d., q1devery dayquaque die
q.1.h., q1hevery hourquaque hora
q.2.h., q2hevery 2 hoursquaque secunda hora
q.4.h., q4hevery 4 hoursquaque quarta hora
q.6.h., q6hevery 6 hoursquaque sexta hora
q.8.h., q8hevery 8 hoursquaque octava hora
q.a.m., qAM, qamevery morningquaque ante meridiem
q.d., qdevery day / dailyquaque die
q.h.s., qhsevery night at bedtimequaque hora somni
q.d.s, qds, QDS4 times a dayquater die sumendum
q.i.d, qid4 times a dayquater in die
q.h., qhevery hour, hourlyquaque hora
q.o.d., qodevery other day / alternate daysquaque altera die
q.p.m., qPM, qpmevery afternoon or eveningquaque post meridiem
q.s., qsa sufficient quantity (enough)quantum sufficiat
Rx, Rx, Medical Recipe Symbol mod.JPG, prescriptionrecipe
Sig., S.directionssigna
Stat.immediately, with no delay, nowstatim
t.d.s, tds, TDS3 times a dayter die sumendum
t.i.d., tid3 times a dayter in die
u.d., udas directedut dictum